The 1920s timeline was one of the most exciting times in American History. At least, that is how it has been romanticized.

It was the decade women got the right to vote, Prohibition, Bootlegging, Gangsters, and Motion Pictures.
There were many technological advances during this time, but by the end of this glitzy decade, America found itself in economic disaster when the stock market fell, and many lost their life savings.
January 16, 1920:
The 18th Amendment had been long debated and was finally put in place on January 16. It was spearheaded by the Women's Temperance movement that began shortly after the Civil War and gained popularity during the rest of the 19th century.
Prohibition made it so alcohol could not be made, sold, or transported in the United States.
August 18, 1920:
The 19th Amendment was passed, and women were given the right to vote. The Christian Women's Temperance Movement had been growing in influence and had gone mainstream.
They led the charge for Prohibition and eventually put enough political pressure on the nation that politicians gave them the right to vote.
The President at the time, Woodrow Wilson, quietly supported women's suffrage but said it was a state's issue. His opinion changed when the amendment was passed.
March 4, 1921:
Warren G. Harding was sworn in as the 29th President of the United States.
July 1921:
Adolf Hitler becomes the leader of the Nazi Party in Germany.
While he had not risen to power yet, he was beginning to gain traction. Germany was still angry over the harsh sanctions put on them after the completion of World War I, and Hitler was able to play in that situation.
October 30, 1922:
Benito Mussolini became Prime Minister of Italy.
August 2, 1923:
After many scandals and failures, Warren G. Harding's presidency ends when he died in office. Calvin Coolidge takes over as President.
October 15, 1923:
The New York Yankees, led by Babe Ruth, defeat the New York Giants to win their first World Series in franchise history. They would go on to dominate the decade and many decades after that. Babe Ruth was unanimously voted the American League MVP.
February 22, 1924:
Calvin Coolidge became the first President to deliver a Presidential address over the radio.
May 10, 1924:
J. Edgar Hoover was appointed the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
November 4, 1924:
Calvin Coolidge defeats John Davis for President of the United States.
November 27, 1924:
The first Macy's Day parade was held in New York City.
April 10, 1925:
F. Scott publishes The Great Gatsby
May 5, 1925:
Biology teacher John Scopes is arrested for teaching Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution. This led to what became known as the Scopes Monkey Trial.
June 6, 1925:
The Chrysler Corporation was founded by Walter Percy Chrysler. He was once the leading engineer for General Motors, but after having disagreements with Du Pont, he chooses to start his own company.
July 10, 1925:
The Scopes Monkey Trial begins.
November 28, 1925:
The Grand Ole Opry's first broadcast on WSM radio, Nashville, Tennessee.
March 16, 1926:
Robert Goddard launched the first liquid-fueled rocket at Auburn, Massachusetts
June 19, 1926:
DeFord Bailey is the first African-American to perform on Nashville's Grand Ole Opry
November 15, 1926:
The NBC Radio network opens with 24 stations.
January 7:
The first transatlantic telephone call was made from New York City to London
April 22 - May 5:
The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 affected 700,000 people in the greatest national disaster in U.S. history at this time
May 11:
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences was founded
May 20 - 21:
Charles Lindbergh made the first solo nonstop transatlantic flight from New York to Paris in the single-seat, single-engine monoplane Spirit of St. Louis.
May 23:
Nearly 600 members of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers view the first live demonstration of television at the Bell Telephone Building in New York.
August 2:
President Calvin Coolidge announced that he will not seek a second term in office.
September 18:
The Columbia Phonographic Broadcasting System (later known as CBS) was formed and goes on the air with 47 radio stations.
December 2:
Henry Ford reveals the Model A as the model to replace the legendary Model T.
January 16:
6th Pan-American Conference opens in Havana. Calvin Coolidge became the last sitting U.S. President until 2016 to visit Cuba.
March 21:
Charles Lindbergh was awarded the Medal of Honor for his first transatlantic flight.
May 15:
Walt Disney released the short animated cartoon titled Plane Crazy is released by Disney Studios in Los Angeles. This is the first appearance of Mickey and Minnie Mouse.
June 17:
Aviator Amelia Earhart started her attempt to become the first woman to cross the Atlantic Ocean successfully. Wilmer Stultz was the pilot.
July 4:
Jean Lussier goes over Niagara Falls in a rubber ball
September 1:
Richard Byrd leaves New York for the Arctic
November 6:
Herbert Hoover won the election of 1928 and becomes the 31st President of the United States.
November 17:
The Boston Garden opens in Boston, Massachusetts
November 18:
Mickey Mouse appears in Steamboat Willie, the third Mickey Mouse cartoon released, but the first sound film.
December 21:
Congress approved the construction of the Boulder Dam later renamed the Hoover Dam.
January 15:
Martin Luther King Jr was born.
February 14:
The St. Valentine Massacre occurs. Gangster Al Capone kills seven rival gangsters.
March 2:
The San Francisco Bridge, the longest bridge in America, opens.
March 4:
Herbert Hoover was sworn in as President.
May 13:
The National Crime Syndicate was formed in Atlantic City.
May 16:
The 1st Academy Awards are presented at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood, California, with Wings winning the Academy Award for Best Picture.
May 17:
Al Capone and his bodyguard are arrested for concealed weapons.
May 20:
The Wickersham Commission began its investigation of alcohol prohibition in America.
June 27:
The first demonstration of color television takes place in New York City.
September 3:
The Dow Jones Industrial Average(DJIA) peaks at 381.17, a height it would not reach again until November 1954.
October 11:
J.C. Penney opened a store in Delaware, becoming a nationwide retail store present in all 48 states.
October 24 - 29:
The Stock Market Crashes and creates chaos throughout the country. This is marked as the beginning of the Great Depression.
December 3:
U.S. President Herbert Hoover announces to Congress that the worst effects of the recent stock market crash are behind the nation and that the American people have regained faith in the economy.