Eos, Greek Goddess and Titan was the daughter of Hyperion and Theia. She was the goddess of dawn and had two siblings: Helios (sun) and Selene (moon). She married Astraeus, who was the god of dusk, and had many children. Among her children were the four Anemoi (winds), as well as Eosphorus (the Morning Star) and the Astra Planeta (wandering stars or planets).

She was a consort to the god Ares, which made her an enemy of Aphrodite. Aphrodite cursed Eos with an insatiable sexual urge which caused her to abduct several young men which included: Cephalus, Tithonus, and Orion. She had sons Tithonus, Memnon, and Emathion. Memnon fought with the Trojans during the Trojan War.