Achelois means "She who drives away pain."

She was a minor Greek lunar goddess and believed to be petitioned when one was in some sort of pain.
There is not much known about the Greek goddess Achelois, but she was a primordial goddess. There are some Greek sources that say she may have been the daughter of Asclepius and Epoine or Pierus. Her siblings are Aegle, Hygeia, Panakeia, and Iaso (Asclepius and Epione) or Neilo, Triton, Asopo, Heptapora, Tipoplo, and Rhodia.
Greek Goddess Achelois: Facts
According to the Greek poet Tzetzes, Achelois was one of the Muses, a group of goddesses dedicated to inspiring literature, science, and the arts. Alternatively, she is said to be the daughter of Asclepius, god of medicine, and Epione, goddess of the soothing of pain
Achelois is also thought to be the surname, or family name, of the Sirens, daughters of the river god Achelous. The Sirens famously lured sailors toward the rocky coastline, leading to many shipwrecks
Achelois further serves as a general name for water nymphs, minor female nature deities