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Olympian Gods
- Aphrodite - Greek Goddess of love, sexuality, and fertility. Her affairs were as notorious as beauty.
- Apollo - Greek God of the Sun, Music, Archery, and many other things. He continued to evolve throughout the history of Ancient Greece.
- Ares - Greek god of War and violence. Enjoyed the violent and chaotic part of the war and was detested by both gods and humans.
- Artemis - Greek Goddess of the Hunt that was also a pure maiden, despite various attempts by other gods to take her virginity.
- Athena - Greek Goddess of War and Wisdom. Also helped many Greek heroes during their epic journeys and is the patron goddess of Athens.
- Zeus - The primary deity in Greek Culture who ruled from Mount Olympia and overthrew the Titans to take over the world.
- Hera - Queen of the Gods. Zeus' wife and considered to be the goddess of women.
- Poseidon - Brother to Zeus and a primary Greek deity. Known as the god of the sea and is depicted as hot-blooded and short-tempered.
- Hestia
- Hermes
- Hephaestus
- Hades
- Achelois - Lunar goddess said to relive one of pain.
- Achelous - River god of the largest river in Greece. He had a famous battle with Heracles.
- Acheron - Sided with the Titans in the battle against the Olympians. He was punished to be becoming a river that flowed into the underworld Hades, known as the "river of grief."
- Achilles - Greek Hero and protaganist of the Trojan War. Died from a poisoned arrow guided by Apollo that hit his heel.
- Adamanthea - Foster mother to Zeus
- Adephagia - Goddess of gluttony.
- Adonis - God of beauty and desire. Originally a Phoenician god.
- Aeacus - Son of Zeus and Aegina. Mythological king of the island of Aegina
- Aegina - A lover of Zeus, mother of Aeacus, grandmother to Peleus, and great-grandmother of Achilles.
- Aegle
- Aello
- Aellopos
- Aeolos
- Aeolus
- Aesculapius
- Aethalides
- Aether - Greek God of air of the deities
- Aethon
- Aetna
- Agave
- Agdistes
- Agdos
- Aglaea
- Aglaia
- Aglauros
- Aglaurus
- Agraulos
- Agrotara
- Agrotora
- Aiakos
- Aigle
- Aiolos
- Air
- Aither
- Alcemana
- Alcides
- Alcmena
- Alcmene
- Alcyone
- Alcyone(2)
- Alecto
- Alectrona
- Alexandra
- Alkyone
- Aloadae
- Alpheos
- Alpheus
- Amalthea
- Amaltheia
- Amarynthia
- Ampelius
- Amphion
- Amphitrite - Nymph and Wife to Poseidon
- Amphitryon
- Amymone
- Ananke
- Andromeda
- Antaeus
- Antaios
- Anteros
- Anticlea
- Antiklia
- Antiope
- Apate
- Apollon
- Arachne
- Arcas
- Areon
- Arethusa
- Argeos
- Argus
- Ariadne
- Arion
- Arion(2)
- Aristaeus
- Aristaios
- Aristeas
- Arkas
- Asclepius
- Asklepios
- Asopus
- Asteria
- Asterie
- Astraea
- Astraeus
- Astraios
- Atalanta
- Ate
- Athamas
- Athamus
- Athene
- Atlantides
- Atlas
- Atropos
- Attis
- Attropus
- Augean Stables
- Augian Stables
- Aurai
- Autolycus - Son of Hermes and grandfather of Oddysseus and Jason.
- Autolykos
- Auxesia
- Bacchae
- Bacchantes
- Balios
- Balius
- Bellerophon
- Bia
- Bias
- Boreads
- Boreas
- Briareos
- Briareus
- Bromios
- Cadmus
- Caeneus
- Caenis
- Calais
- Calchas
- Calliope
- Callisto
- Calypso
- Cassandra
- Castor
- Cecrops
- Celaeno
- Celaeno(2)
- Celoneo
- Ceneus
- Cerberus
- Cercopes
- Cerigo
- Cerynean Hind
- Ceryneian Hind
- Cerynitis
- Ceto
- Chaos
- Charites
- Charon
- Charybdis
- Cheiron
- Chelone
- Chimaera
- Chimera
- Chione
- Chiron
- Chloe
- Chloris
- Chronos
- Chronus
- Chthonia
- Circe
- Clio
- Clotho
- Clymene
- Coeus
- Coltus
- Comus
- Cottus
- Cotys
- Cotytto
- Cratus
- Cretan Bull
- Crius
- Cronos
- Cronus
- Cybele
- Cyclopes
- Cyclops
- Cynthia
- Cyrene
- Cytherea
- Danae
- Daphne
- Deimos
- Deimus
- Deino
- Delos
- Delphyne
- Demeter
- Demphredo
- Deo
- Despoena
- Deucalion
- Deukalion
- Dice
- Dike
- Dione
- Dionysos
- Dionysus
- Dioscuri
- Dithyrambos
- Doris
- Dryades
- Dryads
- Echidna
- Echo
- Eileithyia
- Eirene
- Ekhidna
- Ekho
- Electra
- Electra(2)
- Electra(3)
- Elektra
- Eleuthia
- Elpis
- Empousa
- Empousai
- Empusa
- Enosichthon
- Enyalius
- Enyo
- Eos
- Epaphos
- Epaphus
- Ephialtes
- Epimeliades
- Epimeliads
- Epimelides
- Epimetheus
- Epiona
- Epione
- Epiphanes
- Erato
- Erebos
- Erebus
- Erechtheus
- Erichtheus
- Erichthoneus
- Erichthonios
- Erichthonius
- Erinyes
- Erinys
- Eris
- Eros
- Erotes
- Erymanthean Boar
- Erymanthian Boar
- Erytheia
- Erytheis
- Erythia
- Ether
- Eumenides
- Eunomia
- Euphrosyne(2)
- Europa
- Euros
- Eurus
- Euryale
- Eurybia
- Eurydice
- Eurynome
- Eurystheus
- Euterpe
- Fates
- Furies
- Ga
- Gaea
- Gaia
- Gaiea
- Galeotes
- Ganymede
- Ganymedes
- Ge
- Geryon
- Geryones
- Geyron
- Glaucus
- Gorgons
- Graces
- Graeae
- Graiae
- Graii
- Gratiae
- Gyes
- Gyges
- Haides
- Halcyone
- Hamadryades
- Hamadryads
- Harmonia
- Harmony
- Harpies
- Harpocrates
- Harpyia
- Harpyiai
- Hebe
- Hecate
- Hecatoncheires
- Hecatonchires
- Hekate
- Hekatonkheires
- Helen
- Heliades
- Helice
- Helios
- Helius
- Hemera
- Hemere
- Hephaistos
- Heracles
- Herakles
- Hermaphroditos
- Hermaphroditus
- Hespera
- Hesperethousa
- Hesperia
- Hesperides
- Hesperids
- Hesperie
- Hesperis
- Hesperos
- Hesperus
- Himeros
- Hippolyta
- Hippolytos
- Hippolytta
- Hippolytus
- Hope
- Horae
- Horai
- Hyacinth
- Hyacinthus
- Hyades
- Hyakinthos
- Hydra
- Hydriades
- Hydriads
- Hygeia
- Hygieia
- Hymen
- Hymenaeus
- Hymenaios
- Hyperion
- Hypnos
- Hypnus
- Hyppolyta
- Hyppolyte
- Iacchus
- Iambe
- Iapetos
- Iapetus
- Icelos
- Ikelos
- Ilithyia
- Ilythia
- Inachus
- Ino
- Io
- Ion
- Iphicles
- Irene
- Iris
- Kadmos
- Kalais
- Kalliope
- Kallisto
- Kalypso
- Kekrops
- Kelaino
- Kerberos
- Keres
- Kerkopes
- Keto
- Khaos
- Kharon
- Kharybdis
- Kheiron
- Khelone
- Khimaira
- Khione
- Khloris
- Khronos
- Kirke
- Kleio
- Klotho
- Klymene
- Koios
- Komos
- Kore
- Kottos
- Kratos
- Krios
- Kronos
- Kronus
- Kybele
- Kyklopes
- Kyrene
- Lachesis
- Laertes
- Lakhesis
- Lamia
- Lampetia
- Lampetie
- Leda
- Leimoniades
- Leimoniads
- Lelantos
- Lelantus
- Lethe
- Leto
- Limoniades
- Limoniads
- Linus
- Maenads
- Maia
- Maiandros
- Maliades
- Mares of Diomedes
- Meandrus
- Medea
- Medousa
- Medusa
- Meliades
- Meliads
- Meliai
- Melidae
- Melpomene
- Memnon
- Menoetius
- Menoitos
- Merope
- Metis
- Minos
- Minotaur
- Mnemosyne
- Modesty
- Moirae
- Moirai
- Momos
- Momus
- Mopsus
- Mormo
- Mormolykeia
- Moros
- Morpheus
- Morus
- Mount Olympus
- Mousai
- Muses
- Myiagros
- Naiades
- Naiads
- Naias
- Neaera
- Neaira
- Nemean Lion
- Nemeian Lion
- Nemesis
- Nephelai
- Nephele
- Nereides
- Nereids
- Nereus
- Nike
- Nikothoe
- Niobe
- Nix
- Nomios
- Nona
- Notos
- Notus
- Nox
- Nymphai
- Nymphs
- Nyx
- Oannes
- Obriareos
- Oceanides
- Oceanids
- Oceanus
- Ocypete
- Odysseus
- Oeager
- Oeagrus
- Oenomaus
- Oinone
- Okeanides
- Okeanos
- Okypete
- Okypode
- Okythoe
- Olympus
- Omphale
- Oreades
- Oreads
- Oreiades
- Oreiads
- Oreithuia
- Oreithyia
- Orion
- Orithyea
- Orithyia
- Orpheus
- Orphus
- Orth
- Orthrus
- Ossa
- Otus
- Ourania
- Ouranos
- Paeon
- Paieon
- Paion
- Pallas
- Pallas(2)
- Pallas(3)
- Pallas(5)
- Pallas Athena
- Pan
- Panacea
- Panakeia
- Pandemos
- Pandora
- Pasiphae
- Pasithea
- Pegasos
- Pegasus
- Pelops
- Pemphredo
- Penia
- Penie
- Persa
- Perse
- Perseis
- Persephassa
- Persephone
- Perses
- Perseus
- Persis
- Perso
- Petesuchos
- Phaethousa
- Phaethusa
- Phaeton
- Phantasos
- Phema
- Pheme
- Phemes
- Philammon
- Philomenus
- Philyra
- Philyre
- Phobetor
- Phobos
- Phobus
- Phoebe
- Phoebe(2)
- Phoibe
- Phorcys
- Phorkys
- Phospheros
- Pleiades
- Pleione
- Pleone
- Ploutos
- Plutus
- Podarge
- Podarke
- Pollux
- Polydeuces
- Polyhymnia
- Polymnia
- Polyphemos
- Polyphemus
- Pontos
- Pontus
- Poros
- Porus
- Potamoi
- Priapos
- Priapus
- Prometheus
- Proteus
- Psyche
- Pyrrha
- Python
- Rhadamanthus
- Rhadamanthys
- Rhamnousia
- Rhamnusia
- Rhea
- Rheia
- Sabazius
- Salmoneus
- Sarapis
- Sarpedon
- Scamander
- Scylla
- Seilenos
- Seirenes
- Selene
- Semele
- Serapis
- Sibyl of Cumae
- Sibyls
- Silenos
- Silenus
- Sirens
- Sisyphus
- Sito
- Skamandros
- Skylla
- Spercheios
- Spercheus
- Sperkheios
- Sphinx(2)
- Sterope
- Stheno
- Stymphalian Birds
- Stymphalion Birds
- Styx
- Syrinx
- Tantalus
- Tartaros
- Tartarus
- Taygete
- Telchines
- Telkhines
- Terpsichore
- Terpsikhore
- Tethys
- Thalassa
- Thaleia
- Thalia
- Thamrys
- Thanatos
- Thanatus
- Thanotos
- Thaumas
- Thea
- Thebe
- Theia
- Thelxinoe
- Themis
- Theseus
- Thetis
- Thetys
- Three Fates
- Titanes
- Titanides
- Titans
- Tithonus
- Triptolemos
- Triptolemus
- Triton
- Tritones
- Tyche
- Tykhe
- Typhoeus
- Typhon
- Ulysses
- Urania
- Uranus
V and W
- Xanthos
- Xanthus
- Zelos
- Zelus
- Zephyros
- Zephyrs
- Zephyrus
- Zetes
- Zethes
- Zethus