Herman Melville was an American novelist, short story writer, and poet of the American Renaissance period. He is best known for his novel Moby-Dick, a story of a whaling voyage and the obsessive quest of Ahab, the captain of the Pequod, for revenge on the white whale Moby Dick.

Melville was born in New York City in 1819. He was the third of eight children born to a prosperous merchant. Melville's father died in 1832, and the family's financial situation declined. Melville quit school and went to sea at the age of 19. He served on merchant ships and whalers for the next four years.
In 1844, Melville published his first book, Typee, an account of his experiences on a South Seas island. Typee was a success, and Melville published two more books about his South Seas experiences, Omoo and Mardi.
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In 1851, Melville published Moby-Dick. Moby-Dick was not a commercial success, but it is now considered one of the greatest novels ever written. The novel explores themes of good and evil, fate and free will, and the nature of reality.
Melville died in 1891, largely forgotten. However, his work has been rediscovered in recent years, and he is now considered one of the most important American writers of the 19th century.
Family Overview
Herman Melville came from a well-known family on both sides of his family.
His grandparents had deep connections to the Revolutionary War. His grandfather on his father's side participated in the Boston Tea Party and served as a Major during the war. His grandfather on his mother's side was a hero of the Battle of Fort Stanwix.
His father failed in business and died younger than expected. This left his family destitute, but his siblings seemed to all manage.
Herman and his wife had four children and, unfortunately, had to see two of them die. They only had one daughter who had children.
Family Tree Chart
Allan Melville (1782 - 1832) - He was a merchant. He and his wife had eight children. He died at the age of 50. His death caused business failures and a mental breakdown.
Maria Gansevoort (1791 - 1872) - She was from a New York family. She married her husband and outlived him by 40 years. She never remarried and became a grandmother of many grandchildren. Her father was a Revolutionary War hero.
Elizabeth Shaw (1822 - 1906) - She was the only wife of Melville, and the two had many children. She outlived her husband by about 15 years.
Malcolm Melville (1849 - 1867) - There is not much known of him. His death date is known due to a Melville biography. He died at the age of 18. His death occurred suddenly with many questions.
Stanwix Melville (1850 - 1886) - He was named after Fort Stanwix, which was the battle in which Herman Melville's grandfather was a hero. He died at 36 years of age. His cause of death is uncertain. He was found dead in his room.
Elizabeth Melville (1853 - 1908) - She never married but outlived her parents and first two siblings.
Frances Melville (1855 - 1938) - She was the only one to marry and have children. She and her husband had four children together and would be the only sibling to produce a bloodline to Herman Melville.
Gansevoort Melville (1816 - 1846) - Secretary to the American Legation in London, England. Took over his father’s clothing import business in Albany. His death was shocking and took place after an illness of three weeks while in London.
Helen Melville (1817 - 1888) - She did marry but may have not had any children.
Augusta Melville (1821 - 1876) - She was the second daughter of the Melville family. She did not marry and passed away in her 50s.
Allan Melville (1823 - 1872) - He married twice and would have four children. He worked with his uncle at his law office at a young age and was an attorney.
Catherine Gansevoort Melville (1825 - 1905) - She married and had 3 children. She was a well-respected woman in her community.
Priscilla Frances Melville (1827 - 1885) - She never married or had any children.
Thomas Melville (1830 - 1884) - His obituary states: He became a shipmaster at an early age and owned a vessel in the China trade thirty years ago. He was chosen governor of the Sailors' Snug Harbor in 1867 and has held the position ever since. He was the third person to fill the office of governor, the first one being Captain Thomas Whetten and the second one Captain Augustus De Peyster. Under Captain Melville's supervision, the Snug Harbor improved greatly.