President William Henry Harrison was a hero of the War of 1812. His popularity is what aided him to the presidency, along with an excellent campaign slogan, "Old Tippecanoe and Tyler Too!"

As a General, he was fearless, and his men loved him, but as a President, we will never know. The 67-year-old Harrison caught pneumonia and died just after taking office.
William Henry Harrison's First Term
March 4, 1841: Harrison is inaugurated and delivers the longest inauguration speech in history. He stands in the rain and cold without a hat or coat and delivered a 2-hour speech. Afterward, Harrison attends 3 inaugural balls.
March 5, 1841: Harrison nominates Daniel Webster as Secretary of State.
March 9, 1841: The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Africans onboard the Amistad who were kidnapped in the Havana harbor and then rebelled and killed the members of the ship's crew. This landmark case was called U.S. v. The Amistad.
April 1, 1841: Brook Farm, a utopian community near Boston, Massachusetts, inspired by American Transcendentalism, seeks to combine manual labor and intellectual pursuits.
April 4, 1841: President Harrison dies of pneumonia. He became the first president to die in office. John Tyler was sworn in as president the next day.