Themis, the Greek Goddess and Titan, was the daughter to Uranus and Gaea. She is described as "[the Lady] of good counsel", and is the personification of divine order, fairness, law, natural law, and custom. Her symbols are the Scales of Justice, tools used to remain balanced and pragmatic.

She was the second wife of Zeus, and it was a marriage that helped stabilize the relationships between the Olympians and Titans. She bore:
- Horae (The Hours)
- Moirai (The Fates)
Themis presided over the proper relationship between man and woman, the basis of the rightly ordered family, and judges were often referred to as the servants of Themis. Such was also the basis for order upon Olympus. She was also shown respect by Hera.
She had much love for Apollo and offered him the Oracle of Delphi.