The Titans and Titanesses were members of the second generation of divine beings, descending from the primordial deities and preceding the Olympians.

Based on Mount Othrys, the Titans most famously included the first twelve children of Gaea and Uranus.
They ruled during the legendary Golden Age and also comprised the first pantheon of Greek deities.
First Generation Titans
Cronus - He was the leader of the Titans and the father of Zeus.
Oceanus - The Titan of the Oceans and the father of various rivers and smaller bodies of water.
Tethys - Titan mother of the Oceanids and the wife of Oceanus
Hyperion - Titan god of light and wisdom and one of the four pillars.
Theia - Titan goddess of light and gave a radiance to gold, silver, and gems.
Coeus - Titan god and one of the four corners of the earth during the age of the Titans.
Phoebe - Titan, mother of Leto and grandmother to Artemis and Apollo.
Rhea - The wife of Cronus, the mother of Zeus and the first generation Olympians.
Mnemosyne - Titan goddess of memory and the mother of the nine muses.
Themis - Titan goddess and second wife of Zeus. Known for her sense of justice.
Crius - Titan god that was one of the four pillars of the earth.
Iapetus - Greek Titan and God of Mortality. Believed to be the father of mankind through his four sons.
Other Titan Deities
Atlas - Titan leader of the rebellion against Zeus that was condemned to hold the heavens for eternity
Asteria - Titan goddess of nocturnal oracles. Tied to the island of Delos.
Astraeus - Titan god of dusk and the winds. Married Eos.
Clymene - Titan goddess of fame, infamy, and renown.
Dione - Titan goddess of love and daughter of Oceanus and Tethys
Eos - Titan goddess of the dawn who married the Titan god of Dusk, Astraeus.
Epimetheus - Titan god who became responsible for unleashing Pandora and her jar upon the world, creating much evil. He was the twin brother of Prometheus.
Ophion - Titan god dethroned by Cronus.
The Titans ruled the golden age but were beaten by Zeus and his siblings.