When the Top Thrill Dragster roller coaster debuted in 2003, it shocked the world when it topped the 400-foot threshold. It was so surprising because the Millennium Force had debuted three years prior, breaking the height record, a record that was last held by Cedar Point when the Magnum XL 200 launched in 1989.

History of the Top Thrill Dragster
Cedar Point began working on a new project shortly after the debut of Millennium Force in 2000. After the 2001 season ended, a Dodgem ride across from Magnum XL-200's entrance was relocated to Michigan's Adventure to clear the way for the new ride.
In April 2002, work began on the concrete foundation. The concrete footings were kept hidden behind a fence when the park opened for the 2002 season.
In August 2002, an informal announcement from Cedar Point confirmed the park was building a new ride for the 2003 season.[ Track pieces identified as Intamin were previously spotted near Mean Streak. Vertical construction by Martin & Vleminckx began in the fall of 2002, months before the formal announcement.
By October, the roller coaster had reached 200 feet in height, and the highest peak was topped off in December. To construct the roller coaster, the park used five cranes, two of which were 480-foot (150 m) tall.
At the time, only four such cranes in the United States were tall enough to handle the construction of the 420-foot tower section. An official announcement revealing details on the new ride was made the following month, on January 9, 2003.
Officials for the park stated the goal was to build "the tallest and fastest roller coaster on earth," reaching 420 feet in height and accelerating up to 120 mph in 4 seconds.
The large investment tied it with Millennium Force as being the most expensive in park history. The structure was built by Intamin's subcontractor, Stakotra, and was completed shortly after the announcement.
In March 2003, Cedar Fair registered a trademark for the name "Top Thrill Dragster."
Top Thrill Dragster's media day was held on May 1, 2003, and it officially opened to the public three days later.
It became the tallest and fastest roller coaster in the world, overtaking the height record from Steel Dragon 2000 at Nagashima Spa Land, built three years earlier, and the speed record from Dodonpa at Fuji-Q Highland, which opened in late 2001.
It lost both records to Kingda Ka at Six Flags Great Adventure in May 2005. Intamin designed both Kingda Ka and Top Thrill Dragster, and the two share a similar design and layout that differs primarily by theme and an additional hill featured on Kingda Ka.
Shortly after it opened, a faulty valve on the hydraulic system caused a short-term closure. The ride continued to experience a variety of issues dealing with its hydraulic system and launch cable, which frequently led to downtime early on in its tenure.
During the 2017 season's opening weekend, Cedar Point temporarily renamed the ride "Top Thrill Cubster," referencing a lost wager with Six Flags Great America over the World Series.
In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, timed boarding passes called "Access Passes" were used temporarily to comply with social distancing guidelines. However, these are no longer required as of the 2021 season.
After leaving the station, the train enters the launch area. To the left of the launch area is a “Christmas tree” light, similar to those employed at the starting line of a drag strip.
A brief message is played to the riders to: “Keep arms down, head back, and hold on.” Once the train is prepared to launch, a motor revving sound effect is played, and its magnetic braking fins are lowered from the launch track.
It then launches, accelerating to a speed of 120 mph in 3.8 seconds. Shortly after reaching its maximum velocity, the train begins its ascent up a 90-degree incline, twisting 90 degrees counter-clockwise before climbing over the 420-foot top hat.
Upon descending, the track twists 270 degrees before leveling out, allowing the train to be stopped by the magnetic brakes.
The first time I rode this ride was with my stepdaughter Montana. I remember when I was sitting in the launch position, and she was laughing at me because of how nervous I was.
I was terrified. It had been a long time since my teen years when I rode the Millennium Force 20 times, but I was in college when the Top Thrill Dragster roller coaster debuted, so I never rode it until after I was married.
I can remember looking at my pregnant wife in the stands and hearing Montana laughing at me. She kept mocking me, and I told her she was grounded once we got off the ride.
I told her I was going to close my eyes, and she yelled at me not to and told me to put my hands up, to which I told her that was not going to be happening.
Then the countdown began, and I gripped the handles for dear life, and it shot off like a rocket. It was intense, and I couldn’t even scream until we got to the top; then I let out a big yell.
After we got off, I stumbled over to the stands, and Montana kept laughing at me. I sat down on the stands and gathered myself. I was done for the day while Montana and her sister Marlie headed off for the Raptor.
It was a great thrill, and I have memories from it that will last a lifetime.