It is incredible how many California Indian Tribes there used to be. California is home to the most beautiful scenery and, unfortunately, the most incompetent politicians.

How did this beautiful state lose its Indian Heritage?
There are many reasons, and I give five reasons that apply to all Native Americans, which includes California, that the Native Americans were conquered and lost their land.
A unique cause of the California Indian Tribes being displaced was the 1849 Gold Rush, which resulted in many settlers migrating to California and setting up permanent residence there. Tribes dealt with terrible issues, which would include but are not limited to disease.
List of California Indian Tribes
- Achumawi
- Atsugewi
- Cahuilla
- Chemehuevi
- Chilula
- Chimariko
- Chumash
- Cocopah
- Ohlone
- Cupeno
- Diegueno
- Esselen
- Gabrielino
- Halchidhoma
- Hupa
- Juaneno
- Karok
- Kashaya
- Kato
- Kawaiisu
- Kitanemuk
- Klamath -A tribe that lived in Southern Oregon and became one of the wealthiest Native American tribes in the United States during the 20th century.
- Konkow
- Lassik
- Luiseno
- Maidu
- Mattole
- Miwok
- Modoc - A tribe that will always be known for their fierce defense of their land during the Modoc War when 53 warriors held off 3000 United States soldiers.
- Mojave - Tribe was located in the Black Canyon and was the largest concentration of natives in the southwest at the time of the Spanish. They were allies with the Quechan and enemies of the Maricopa and Pima tribe.
- Mono
- Nisenan
- Nomlaki
- Nongatl
- Northern Paiute
- Panamint
- Patwin
- Pomo
- Salinan
- Serrano
- Shasta
- Shoshoni
- Sinkyone
- Southern Paiute
- Tataviam
- Tolowa
- Tubatulabal
- Wailaki
- Wappo
- Whilkut
- Wintu
- Wiyot
- Yana and Yahi
- Yokuts
- Yuki
- Yurok