Henry Morgan was a famous pirate and privateer, plantation owner, and, later, Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica. From his base in Port Royal, Jamaica, he raided settlements and shipping on the Spanish Main, becoming wealthy as he did so.

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With the prize money from the raids, he purchased three large sugar plantations on the island.
Morgan was born in Llanrhymney, Glamorgan, Wales. His family was of Welsh descent, and he was proud of his heritage.
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In his early twenties, Morgan traveled to the Caribbean, where he became involved in the privateering trade. Privateers were pirates who were authorized by a government to attack the ships of other countries.
Morgan quickly became a successful privateer, and he soon amassed a large fortune. He was known for his ruthlessness and his willingness to take risks.
In 1665, Morgan was appointed lieutenant governor of Jamaica by the English government.
As lieutenant governor of Jamaica, Morgan used his position to launch attacks on Spanish colonies in the Caribbean. In 1671, he led a successful attack on the city of Panama.
The sack of Panama was a major victory for the English, and it made Morgan a hero in England.
Morgan's exploits made him a target of the Spanish. In 1672, he was arrested by the English government and brought back to England to stand trial for piracy. However, Morgan was acquitted of all charges and returned to Jamaica.
Morgan continued to serve as lieutenant governor of Jamaica until 1683. He died in Lawrencefield, Jamaica, in 1688.
He was buried with full military honors.
Family Overview
Henry Morgan's family is hard to nail down.
It seems he came from nobility, and his father was a knight, although some list him as a farmer. He was referred to as "Sir," which refers to nobility.
His mother would have come from a well-known family, but what is odd is the children listed.
His father only has a record of one wife, and his mother is listed as having five other children, not with her first husband. The records are a bit confusing and need to be fleshed out a bit more.
Henry Morgan and his wife had one child who went on to have multiple children.
His wife died young, probably of disease.
Family Tree Chart
Rowland Morgan (1508 - 1577) - He was a knight, but little is known otherwise. He and his wife had five children.
Blanch Jones (1512 - 1549) - She came from a well-known Welsh family and had five children with her husband.
Catherine Kemeys (1540 - 1567) - She was from Wales and had one son with Henry Morgan. She died early in life.
Thomas Morgan (1560 - 1624) - He was the only son of Henry Morgan and would carry on his line. Future generations would move toward the Caribbean.
The records are muddled and only record half-siblings with his mother but with an unknown father. Until the records are more consistent, I cannot list the half-siblings.