Nathanael Greene was born July 27, 1742, in Kent, Rhode Island, to a Quaker, Nathanael Greene Sr and his wife Mary Mott. After the Revolutionary War ended, Greene returned to Rhode Island to find his personal estate in shambles. He was offered a plantation in Georgia for his service and would move to Georgia until his death.

Nathanael Greene was George Washington's most trusted general during the American Revolution.
George Washington told the Continental Congress that if he were to die in battle, he would want Nathanael Greene to take over the Continental Army. That is the level of respect Washington had for Greene.
Despite being looked over multiple times, Greene proved himself throughout the war. This included a stint in which he was Quartermaster General, which took him off the battlefield and put him in charge of logistics. Although frustrated, he performed well until Washington requested him to return to field duty.
Nathanael Greene proved Washington to be right when he took over the Southern Army from General Horatio Gates, who had been devastated at the Battle of Camden. His time as Quartermaster General proved valuable as he divided his army in order to feed it more efficiently. He also understood that the further he took Cornwallis from his main base, that it would be easier to hit the British supply lines and make it harder to feed the army.
His unique tactics and Generals under him, such as Daniel Morgan, helped grind the British down and eventually trap them at Yorktown.
Nathanael Greene's life would be cut short after dying of a heat stroke on June 19, 1786. His peers, including Washington, mourned his death.
Nathanael Greene Family Tree Chart
- Nathanael Greene (1707 - 1768)
- Mary Mott (1708 - 1753)
- Catherine Littlefield (1755 - 1814)
- George Washington Greene (1775 - 1793)
- Martha Washington Greene (1777 - 1839)
- Cornelia Lott Greene (1779 - 1865)
- Nathanael Ray Greene (1780 - 1859)
- Louisa Catherine Greene (1783 - 1831)
- Jacob Greene (1739 - 1808)
- Phoebe Greene (1740 - 1741)
- William Greene (1742 - 1826)
- Elihu Greene (1746 - 1827)
- Christopher Greene (1748 - 1830)
- Perry Greene (1749 - 1791)
- Phoebe Greene (1750 - 1750)