William Brazelton was a famous gunslinger and stage robber of the Wild West. There is not much known about his early life, and he was a young man when he died. For a short period of history, Brazelton's robberies made him a feared man on the frontier.

Early Life and Robberies
After his death, an 1878 account claimed that Brazelton had come from San Francisco, California, had been orphaned and lived in an old boiler, had killed a man at the age of 15, and then killed a seven-man posse near Silver City, New Mexico.
About 1876, Brazelton came to the courthouse in Prescott, Arizona, and claimed that in a show, he would eat a wagon wheel.
After collecting money, he left by explaining he would rustle up the rest of the troupe; of course, he never returned.
In 1877, Brazelton resided in Tucson, Arizona, where he hauled products such as hay and grains.
Brazelton's mode of robbery was to wear a mask over his face and carry a pistol and rifle in one hand while ordering the driver and passengers to hand over any valuables.
He is alleged to have committed nine-stage robberies in Arizona and New Mexico: three near Silver City, New Mexico; two in northern Arizona, and four near Tucson.
List of Believed Robberies
April 28, 1877: The stage going North between Socoro and Las Lunas on the Rio Grande was robbed of three bars and a one-box silver.
September 27, 1877: the California and Arizona Stage, 12 miles north of Wickenburg, Arizona, was held up; among the passengers were Alexandra, Arizona founder and mine owner Ed. G. Peck.
The Express box was opened up, and the mailbags were ripped. $1,900 in cold coins and gold dust was taken; although the initial report claimed that two robbers were involved, Brazelton is named as the sole stage robber
May 28, 1878: the stage from Silver City, New Mexico, at Cook's Canyon was held up. Among the passengers were Paymaster Colonel Willard and his clerk, Lt. Frank West of the 6th Cavalry Regiment, and a traveling agent named Hathaway.
Taken was valuable registered mail, $26.00 to $27.00 an old silver watch from Willard, and $13.00 taken from the driver and other passengers.
July 31, 1878: the stage was robbed at Point Mountain, 18 miles from Tucson, Arizona. Among the passengers was newspaper editor John Clum.
The express box (empty) and two mailbags (containing nothing of value) were thrown down. $37.00 was robbed from the passengers. Among the items taken was a registered package containing a pair of earrings.
August 15, 1878: the stage was robbed at Point Mountain, 18 miles from Tucson, Arizona. The express box and the mailbags were thrown down. $234.00 was robbed from the passengers
A horse used by Brazelton in his last robbery was traced to the possession of David Nemitz; Nemitz was arrested and agreed to help bring in Brazelton in return for protection from Brazelton. Pima County Sheriff Charles A.
Shibell led a five-man posse that killed Brazelton two miles south of Tucson, Arizona, on August 22, 1878. Brazelton had two cartridges belts, two pistols, a Spencer rifle, his mask, earrings from the Point Mountain Robbery, and a gold watch and chain.
Brazelton's body was photographed twice, first wearing the mask and then unmasked.
His gravesite was apparently moved and is unknown