This is an American Revolution Guide for this website. I have covered the American Revolution extensively and have many different categories.
This guide is for quick navigation of various categories related to the American Revolutionary War.
Revolutionary War Facts
Full Article: American Revolutionary War Facts
This is a complete overview of the American Revolutionary War. It includes a broad description of the happenings of each year leading up to the Revolutionary War and the events that occurred during the war.
The Revolutionary War did not begin in 1775 when the first shots were fired at Lexington and Concord but was a process that began when colonization began to occur in the New World.
For Quick Facts Visit A List of Facts About The American Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War Battles
Full Article: Revolutionary War Battles
The Revolutionary War was fought differently than European wars during that period. George Washington was responsible for forming a Continental Army from independent militias and country boys who knew how to hunt and survive on the frontier but did not know much about waging war and what is necessary for victory.
Each battle has its own story and its own consequences. The men who fought in them would become casualties and legends at the same time. They fought the British, Loyalists, and Hessians to create the freedom that we now enjoy.
Veterans of the Revolutionary War would be heroes for many generations that followed. Those that lived long enough to have their photos taken were some of the most celebrated veterans in history.
Declaration of Independence
Full Article: Signers of the Declaration of Independence
The Declaration of Independence is often romanticized as a time when all men came together without debate and a common cause. The story is much more complicated and took two Continental Congresses, an Olive Branch Petition, and eventually a Declaration of Independence.
The Declaration of Independence went through much debate, revisions, and compromise. The document became one of the most important documents in American History.
Revolutionary War Causes
Full Article: Revolutionary War Causes
The Revolutionary War did not just happen it was a gradual process that began when the first settlers came from England to colonize Jamestown, Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay.
As the Revolution came closer more events occurred. Each one brought the revolution closer and swayed public opinion.
Revolutionary War Generals
Full Article: Revolutionary War Generals
The Continental Army and the British Army had many changes throughout the war.
George Washington's frustration was Congress and that they did not heed his advice many times and usually placed men who were unqualified at the General ranking. However, when they did listen to him, usually Washington was right in his recommendation.
The British had similar frustrations as their officers were trained to fight European Wars, but not in the American Revolution. Every European tactic seemed to work, however, the Patriots would never surrender.
Full Article: Slavery during the American Revolutionary War
Slavery existed throughout the Southern Colonies of the Revolutionary War. In the first draft of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson emancipated the slaves, however, Benjamin Franklin edited the section out since the Southern Colonies were needed to defeat Great Britain.
While slavery was becoming a serious issue, especially with the abolitionists in the New England Colonies who had never owned slaves and lived among free black men and women, most founders did not believe the time was right to free them.