The Northwest Indian Tribes were located on the Pacific West Coast of North America and stretched from Southern Alaska to the coast of British Canada to Northern California.

They had their own unique customs and culture that differed from the other groups of tribes.
The Native American Tribes that fall under the Northwest group are as follows:
Alsea - They resided on the coast of modern-day Oregon. There is not much known about them, but they did participate in the 1855 Coast Treaty and were moved to the Siletz Reservation and would become part of the Siletz Confederation.
Bella Bella/Heiltsuk - A tribe that has existed for thousands of years in the northwest portion of the continent of North America. They are still located in British Columbia, Canada.
Bella Coola - A tribe that still exists in British Columbia, Canada. At one point had a population of around 35,000 people until European disease caused many deaths and dwindled the population to around 300.
Chehalis - Residing in Washington, the Chehalis tribe now lives on a reservation and has since 1860. Their land was around the area of the Chehalis River, and they primarily lived on the food provided by the river.
Chinook - A tribe that resided in present-day Oregon. Lived in longhouses and had a diet made up of meat from the river and game in the forests. They were known as skilled Elk hunters and practiced head binding.
Cowlitz - A tribe that lived in present-day Washington state and lives on a reservation. They were similar to the Chinooks in that they practiced head binding.
Haida - One of the oldest Native American tribes that still live in their native homeland. They are typically compared to the Vikings by some historians due to their past ability of seamanship.
Haisla - A tribe/nation that has lived in the British Columbia region for 9,000 years. Over the past couple of centuries has been decimated by disease, but still maintains a presence and is recognized as a First Nation in Canada.
Klallam - A people made up of four tribes. Three are located in the United States, and One is located in Canada. They are one of the few tribes that purchased land and lived on their own, free of a reservation.
Kwakiutl - This tribe was and is still located on Vancouver Island off the coast of British Columbia. They are known for their artistic accomplishments as well as being excellent fishermen.
Makah - A tribe that lived in present-day Washington state that has well-preserved villages due to a mudslide in the 17th century. They are well-known for their tradition of whale hunting.
Nooksack - A tribe located in the northwest corner of Washington State. They were a peaceful tribe that was eventually recognized by the United States government in the mid-20th century.
Nootka - A Canadian tribe located on Vancouver Island. Their first European Contact came when Captain James Cook made contact with them. Their population would be devastated by smallpox, and a once powerful nation lost close to 75% of its population.
Quileute - A tribe with an isolated language that was located in the modern-day state of Washington. They were known as excellent whale hunters and craftsmen, especially with their canoe hull designs.
Quinault - A tribe located in Washington State who made contact with the Lewis and Clark expedition. They are known for their amazing basket weaving, which is still sold today at many vendors, including Amazon.
Takelma - A tribe that not much is known about. They lived in the Rogue Valley in the Oregon interior. They were known as foragers, and a handful exist today.
Tillamook - The southernmost Salish tribe on the coast of modern-day Oregon. They were influenced by the Northern California tribes and known for their basket-weaving and detailed mythology.
Tlingit - This was a large tribe that was located in Alaska and Canada. They maintained their independence and continued to live in their native homeland. The tribe helped the United States as codetalkers in World War 2.
Tututni - A peaceful tribe that lived in Southwest Oregon. After making contact with the British explorer George Vancouver, the tribe was ravaged by a disease that wiped out most of their population.
Umpqua - Consisted of at least four different Native American tribes that lived in the Umpqua River Valley. They were known as peaceful people.