Richard More was the indentured servant to William Brewster and came over on the Mayflower when he was 6 years old.

To get to the point he was even on the Mayflower is quite the story.
Richard came from the More family in England, which was a well-known family of royals at the time. His father was Samuel More, who married a third cousin named Katherine More. This was done to keep the family's estate safe from competing families.
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The couple had four children together, but Samuel had suspicions that his wife was having an adulterous relationship with a neighbor, as the kids seemed to favor Jacob Blakeway. This seemed to absolutely be the case, and the adulterous relationship would destroy Katherine and the kids that came from Jacob.
Despite the warnings to not come around, Jacob continued to have an affair with Katherine. Samuel would learn of it and sued Jacob. Jacob could not pay, so instead of trying to be a father to his children, he ran away to avoid imprisonment and allowed Katherine to take the brunt of his actions. He was not an honorable man.
Samuel and his father protected their estates and made sure that Katherine's children could not inherit anything. To avoid the scorn that would be on these children, he paid for passage to Virginia and bought each of them 50 acres of land in the New World to get a new start when they were of age.
Richard was placed in the care of these Pilgrims and arrived with his siblings in Plymouth, not Virginia.
Richard would survive the first winter and would grow up to become a captain at sea. He sailed to the Bahamas, England, and around the new colonies for trade. It is not known if he ever made contact with Samuel More again.
He would have witnessed the First Thanksgiving with the Wampanoag Tribe. He would have probably met or seen Chief Massasoit, Squanto, and Samoset. As a boy, he would have probably looked up to the gritty Myles Standish, and unfortunately, after and during the first winter, he would help bury the dead.
As he grew older, he would move from Plymouth to Salem, Massachusetts Bay Colony. He would live there for the remainder of his life.
He died in 1696 and probably witnessed the Salem Witch Trials.
Richard More was the last surviving male passenger of the Mayflower.
Family Overview
Despite his mother's actions, Richard More and his siblings were the only passengers on the Mayflower to be of Royal Blood (He was descended from King Edward III). Samuel Fuller went to great lengths to protect his family from his wife's children since they were not of his blood, but he did not despise them.
It is just the way it was during that time period, especially when it came to noble bloodlines. The lines needed to come from the father to have legal standing.
Richard and his siblings were victims of their mother and Jacob Blakeway's lack of control and irresponsibility.
What occurred after 1620 is a tragedy. Each of Richard's siblings was assigned a high-standing person on the Mayflower. Richard was assigned to William Brewster; Others were assigned to John Carver and Edward Winslow. All but Richard died during the first winter.
Richard saw this at a young age, which may have been the best for him. Kids tend to be more resilient than adults.
He married Christian Hunter, and the two had six children. It is not known how many lived to adulthood. His wife died in 1676 he remarried a widow named Jane in 1678.
Richard was a seaman and spent much time in England. It seems as if he regarded his marriage vows about the same as his father, Jacob Blakeway. While he was married to Christian Hunter in Plymouth, he married Elizabeth Woolnough of London, England.
This is what occurred, according to author David Lindsay:
The record of that event notes that "Richard Moore of Salem, Mariner" married Elizabeth Woolnough of Limehouse district, London. The Stepney parish register states that Elizabeth was the daughter of Benjamin Woolnough, having been baptized in St Dunstan's on 21 December 1623. Benjamin Woolnough was a trans-Atlantic ship captain sailing to Virginia. The last time that Elizabeth's name appears on documents is on 7 April 1646, the day after Richard More failed to appear at the King's Session for Peace when she identified herself to the High Court of Admiralty as "Elizabeth, wife of Richard Moore of Stepney." Her appearance in court was to answer a charge against More, who had probably fled the country, for being intoxicated in the company of a woman of easy virtue as well as a child of about eight years, thought to have been his daughter Elizabeth. There is no evidence that Elizabeth Woolnough ever came to America. No further record.
His daughter eventually made it to the New World, married, and moved to Long Island.
Family Tree Chart
Samuel More (1594 -1662) or Jacob Blakeway (1583 - 1622?) - Richard, despite taking Samuel's last name, was most likely the son of Jacob Blakeway, who committed habitual adultery with Richard's mother.
Katherine More (1585 - 1622?) - Was heiress to a great estate and had a marriage arranged to secure the estate. Unfortunately, her affair with neighbor Jacob Blakeway would tarnish that.
Christian Hunter (1615 - 1676) - She landed in Plymouth and died in Salem, Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Jane More (1631 - 1686) - She was a widow whose husband died from a Native American attack.
Elizabeth Woolnough (1623 - ???) - This was Richard's wife in England who most likely did not know of his other family in the New World. She appears in the record the last time in 1646 when she appeared before the court on Richard's behalf. There is no record of her after that event.
Samuel More (1642 - ???) - He was living in 1650, but that is the last known record of him. He probably died shortly after.
Thomas More (1642 - ???) - The last known record for him was in 1670. It is unknown what occurred after that date.
Caleb More (1644 - 1679) - He died unmarried at the age of 34.
Joshua More (1646 - 1650) - Probably did not live past adulthood
Susanna More (1650 - 1728) - She was widowed three times. She and her first husband had four children together.
Christian More (1652 - 1680) - She married and had one son before her death.
Elizabeth More (1635) - Was the daughter of Richard and Elizabeth and lived in England for most of her life. There is no record of any of Richard's other children learning who she was when she migrated over from England and married a man from Salem. She and her husband would move to Long Island in New York Colony.
Elinore More (1612 - 1621) - Came over with her brother on the Mayflower but did not survive the first winter.
Jasper More (1613 - 1620) - Came over with his brother on the Mayflower but did not survive the first winter.
Mary More (1616 - 1621) - Came over with her brother on the Mayflower but did not survive the first winter.