Southwest Indian Tribes are the Native American tribes that resided in the states of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Nevada.

These tribes would make up what became known as the Wild West and would've existed at the same time as the famous gunslingers.
These tribes would be known for their skill with the bow and arrow and their fearless warriors. The Apache Indians are classified as a Southwest Indian Tribe, as are many other infamous tribes that are listed below.
They were also known for their art. describes their art as follows:
Southwest Indians create many beautiful pieces of art. They make pottery, clothing, and baskets that are still sold in stores and arts and crafts shows. Because they are very spiritual tribes, most of their art contains symbols and signs of their beliefs, dreams, and visions. The pottery is for both everyday use and display. The clothing they make can be anything from an outfit, such as a dress with gorgeous flowers on it, to an elaborately decorated headdress full of feathers. The Zuni and Hopi Southwest Indians carved dolls, called Kachina dolls, out of wood. The dolls were decorated with masks and costumes to represent the Kachina spirits. These dolls help children of the tribe learn tribal ceremonies.
Southwest Indian Tribes
Apache - A fierce warrior tribe who fought many wars against the expanding Americans. They would give America some of the most outstanding leaders and were known for their stealth and quickness with the bow.
Cocopah - A tribe that lived on the Colorado River and made contact with the late Spanish Conquistadors. They would live in relative obscurity until American expansion. They now reside in Arizona.
Cora - A tribe that still exists in Mexico and is remembered for its resistance to the Spanish religion. At one point, they were the only tribe that existed in a sea of Catholics that were still pagan.
Havasupai - A tribe that lived in and around the Grand Canyon for 8 centuries prior to European contact. They were pushed off the land, and it was eventually restored back to them in 1975.
Hopi - A tribe that lived in Arizona and had friendly relations with the Spanish that eventually went sour. They are known for their artisans and have been federally recognized since the early 20th century.
Hualapai - Known for its brave warriors, the tribe fought the Americans for many years. Unfortunately, due to the loss of population and American strength, they were defeated and moved to a reservation in 1883.
Huichol - A Mexican tribe that now lives in Northern Mexico and the southeast United States. They maintain their autonomy and still practice their native religion. They are known for their art and strong families.
Karankawa - A peaceful tribe that turned hostile due to Spanish ambushes. They were known for their excellence in archery and trade in the interior of North America. After they sided with Mexico during the Texas-Mexican War, the Texans began to become more aggressive against them. It would lead to their extinction.
Maricopa - A small tribe that was located on the Colorado River until they migrated to the Gila River. They were enemies to the Mojave and Quechan tribes and allies to the Pima. They became known for their basket weaving.
Mayo - A tribe located on the west side of Mexico. They allied themselves with the Spanish in the 17th century and would eventually revolt against their rule. Their population is about 80,000 people today.
Mojave - Tribe was located in the Black Canyon and was the largest concentration of natives in the southwest at the time of the Spanish. They were allies with the Quechan and enemies of the Maricopa and Pima tribes.
Navajo - The largest tribe in the United States, with a population of almost 400,000 people. They are known for their bravery during World War 2 as code talkers and for the many conflicts they had with American Expansion.
Opata - A Mexican tribe that was a fierce opponent of the Spanish until they allied with them against the Apache. They would become mostly Christian and take on the Spanish language.
Pima - A tribe located in southern Arizona. After the Mexican-American War and the Gadsden Purchase, the tribe enjoyed a period of prosperity that was quickly eroded after the Civil War.
Pueblo - A people of many different tribes. Pueblo is known for its agriculture and architecture and has influenced many. They are located primarily in New Mexico, Arizona, and Texas.
Seri - A Mexican tribe that the Spanish and Mexican governments persecuted until the Great Depression when they developed commerce in fishing.
Tarahumara - A tribe that is known for its long-distance runners. Endurance running is so ingrained in their culture that it is part of their celebrations and hunting methods. They are also known for their resistance to the Spanish Conquistadors.
Tepehuan - A tribe located in Mexico that was one of the most numerous tribes when the Spanish arrived in the 16th century. They still exist today despite being devastated by war and disease during the Spanish conquest of Mexico.
Yaqui - A tribe originally from Mexico that became known for their fierce warriors and passion for independence. They defeated the Spanish conquistadors and endured many struggles at the hands of Mexicans after Mexican independence.
Yavapai - A tribe known as a friend to the Apache lived in the modern-day state of Arizona. Despite being mostly peaceful, the tribe is known by many for the Oatman Massacre that left 3 innocents dead.
Yuma - A tribe that existed in Arizona and was known for their trading and warriors. They would fight a war against various tribes and the United States. After their defeat, they would never be a threat again.
Zuni - A tribe that has lived on their land for a couple of thousand years. They have cultivated the land and have a sophisticated culture.